10 of The Best Clubs in Istanbul – The Guardian
The Best Clubs in Istanbul

10 of the Best Clubs in Istanbul

The Guardian

Lucca Haberler, Bebek İstanbul - The Guardian

The Best Clubs in Istanbul ! If you want to venture further up the Bosphorus, and the Istanbul social ladder, follow the phalanx of Porsches trailing towards Lucca. Situated prominently at the heart of Bebek’s cafe scene,

This has become the kind of place self-consciously cultish enough to flog homemade albums mixed by the in-house DJs who hold the floor on Friday and Saturday nights. Lucca starts the day as a restaurant and turns into a bar after the sun sets – and a magnet for Istanbul high society. Most Lucca regulars flee to the Turkish riviera in the warmer months, so don’t expect much celeb-spotting before the autumn. Then again, you might get a table. 10 of The Best Clubs in Istanbul !!

The Guardian



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